I was asked to write about our experience with hosting a pro this last weekend for the EpicRides Carson City Off Road event. We had the pleasure of hosting a female pro rider – which was a perfect match with three female athletes in our home, ages 10 through, well, older than that. Her name is Crystal Anthony and man…what a BEAST on a bike. When she first arrived, she went out for a pre-ride of the course and was nothing short of impressive. 40 miles and she smashed it and left everyone in this house in awe. My youngest daughter, quietly inspired, quickly changed her Peloton screen name to CrystalWaters and then lived in her cycle shorts the rest of the week. Crystal was quiet and kept to herself mostly. Each day, going out for a pedal. We would all see each other in the mornings over coffee – my husband and her would chat about bike stuff that was over my head – and then everyone would just go on with their day. The events through-out the weekend were so much fun. Having a town full of great athletes, not just our pro racers but an entire community of like-minded individuals – wanting to head out and just ride some bikes. My husband was out on course, I want to say he was in his second lap of the race and by this time feeling the extreme heat and the fatigue pretty good. Crystal was just out pre-riding, as a lot of the pro’s were that day, and she saw him - tapped him on the rear and said “you’re doing great” and then just took off! BEAST is the word that keeps coming to mind – how awesome and how inspiring to be around such a great athlete. I wanted to break down the rest of our experience into a few Q&A’s for those who might have questions about hosting – what kept them from doing it this year or maybe inspire them to want to host next year. Q: I have kids at home, were there any safety concerns you felt? A: None at all. We gave Crystal a key to the house and she always locked up. I never felt awkward having a stranger in our home with kids in the house. Did your pro eat you out of your home? Crystal was completely self-sufficient. We did not spend a dime on groceries for her. She just needed a kitchen to cook her grub in. If you’re curious – I did some poking around Crystals website and here’s her tips on how to eat as an athlete: http://www.crystaljanthony.com/athlete-perfect-plates What was the best part of having a pro in your home? For me, it was having her inspire our entire family to get out and ride – ride harder, ride longer. Both my daughters were able to see a healthy role model who just kicks some major cycling butt. Its not just a man's sport – I think they got a good bit of “girl power” feelers from the experience. Would you host again? We told Crystal she was welcome at our house any time…so if she doesn’t snag up the room then, yes, we would host someone else again. http://www.crystaljanthony.com/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BVcgKX9ld5X/?taken-by=crystaljanthony -The Colburns Pic source: IG – 2017 Carson City Off Road – Crit
June 2017